вторник, 7 юли 2020 г.

Одобрени държавни помощи за периода от 21 май до 6 юли 2020 г.

Одобрени от Европейската комисия държавни помощи за периода от 21 май до 6 юли 2020 г. за подпомагане на икономиката в контекста на епидемията от коронавирус.
Пълният текст на решенията със схемите за подпомагане може да се види, като се използва линка, свързан с номера на решението на ЕК.

    06 july 2020
       SA.57710 Sweden, Compensation for damages suffered by passenger ferries due to COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57655 Latvia, Guarantees for large and medium-sized undertakings affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57617 United Kingdom, COVID-19 Temporary Framework for Gibraltar Authorities (Decision)
       SA.57409 Latvia, LATVIA - COVID 19 - Recapitalisation Fund (Decision)
       SA.57149 Czechia, COVID-19: Social security contribution relief for all self employed Waiver of penalties related to pension and state employment policy contributions payments (Decision)

    03 july 2020
       SA.57762 Cyprus, Support Scheme for newspapers - CY- COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57665 Lithuania, COVID-19: Lithuanian guarantees and loans for tour operators, accommodation and catering service providers (Public version available)
       SA.57625 Italy, Fondo di garanzia per le PMI (Public version available)
       SA.57599 Slovakia, COVID-19: Rent rebate for tenants (Public version available)
       SA.57574 Malta, Bond subscription facility By the Malta Development Bank (Decision)
       SA.57530 Luxembourg, COVID-19-Aid scheme for audio-visual production companies (Public version available)
       SA.57511 Cyprus, Covid-19 – CY – Waiver of interests and penalties for late payment of VAT (Public version available)
       SA.57399 Sweden, Temporary aid to support the publication and distribution of printed general newspapers - Sweden (Public version available)
       SA.57397 Netherlands, Dutch temporary guarantee scheme for small bank loans for medium sized and small enterprises due to the COVID-19 outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57345 Austria, COVID-19: Individual aid to Panoptes - Emergency Call for the research of COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57340 Austria, COVID-19: Individual aid to Apeptico - Emergency Call for the research of COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57252 Italy, Modifications to COVID-19 Regime Quadro (Public version available)
       SA.57246 Belgium, COVID-19: Second Flemish subordinated loan scheme for start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs (Public version available)
       SA.57095 Netherlands, Netherlands – COVID-19: Portfolio guarantee on trade credit insurance (Public version available)
       SA.57061 Sweden, Sweden - Compensation for the damage caused by the COVID-19 outbreak to Scandinavian Airlines (Public version available)
       SA.57053 Ireland, 11th prolongation of the Credit Union restructuring and stabilisation scheme (Public version available)
       SA.56943 Latvia, COVID-19: Recapitalization of Air Baltic – Latvia (Decision)
       SA.56868 France, COVID-19: Garanties des préfinancements des entreprises françaises exportatrices (Public version available)
       SA.56795 Denmark, Compensation for the damage caused by the COVID-19 outbreak to Scandinavian Airlines (Public version available)
       SA.56599 Greece, Modification of the Superfast Broadband (SFBB) Project - EL (Public version available)
       SA.56365 France, Aides aux investissements - Financement pour la constitution de réserves de substitution pour l’irrigation et d''équipements fixes d’irrigation associés dans le cadre de projets de territoires de la région Centre-Val de Loire (Public version available)
       SA.55891 Denmark, Operating aid scheme for electricity generated by incinerating biomass in existing and fully depreciated biomass plants in Denmark (Public version available)
       SA.54911 United Kingdom, Waterborne Freight Grant (Public version available)

    02 july 2020
       SA.57766 Netherlands, COVID-19: Amendments to SA.57107 (2020/N) – Subsidised interest rates scheme (Decision)
    01 july 2020
       SA.57833 Denmark, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.56808 (2020/N) –Liquidity guarantee scheme under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57749 Denmark, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.56708 (2020/N) – Danish guarantee scheme for SMEs affected by COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57708 Luxembourg, COVID 19 Reinsurance of short term credit and surety risks (Decision)
       SA.57691 Cyprus, SA.57691(2020/N) – Cyprus – COVID-19 - Incentive scheme towards airlines (Decision)
       SA.57654 Cyprus, COVID-19: Subsidy Scheme for Micro and Small enterprises and Interest Rate Subsidy Scheme (Decision)
       SA.57408 Romania, COVID-19: Framework scheme for State aid in the form of subsidised loans and guarantees on loans (Decision)

    30 june 2020
       SA.57711 Croatia, State aid Scheme to support the maritime, transport, transport infrastructure, tourism and related sectors impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57695 France, Covid-19: Régime d'aides sous la forme de prêts publics subordonnés (Decision)
       SA.57459 Slovenia, Compensation scheme for damage caused by the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
    29 june 2020
       SA.57754 France, Covid-19 : Dispositif d'activité partielle ad hoc (Decision)
       SA.57554 Netherlands, Compensation Scheme Special Transport for Special Groups due to the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)

    26 june 2020
       SA.57795 Bulgaria, COVID-19: Supporting medium enterprises to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Decision)
       SA.57712 Netherlands, Dutch direct grant scheme to support fixed costs of small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57558 Slovenia, COVID-19 - Additional intervention measures scheme (Short-time work scheme, wage subsidies for June, cableways, agriculture land) (Decision)
       SA.57506 Czechia, COVID-19: State aid measures in Moravia-Silesia (Decision)
       SA.57429 Italy, COVID-19 - Tax exemptions and tax credits adopted as a consequence of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 (Decision)
    25 june 2020
       SA.57665 Lithuania, COVID-19: Lithuanian guarantees and loans for tour operators, accommodation and catering service providers (Decision)
       SA.57654 Cyprus, COVID-19: Subsidy Scheme for Micro and Small enterprises and Interest Rate Subsidy Scheme (Decision)
       SA.57153 Germany, COVID-19 - Aid to Lufthansa (Decision)
    24 june 2020
       SA.57252 Italy, Modifications to COVID-19 Regime Quadro (Decision)

    23 june 2020
       SA.57375 Hungary, COVID-19 Compensation scheme related to future investment (Decision)

    22 june 2020
       SA.57494 Portugal, Covid-19 – Direct grant and loan guarantee scheme – Autonomous Region of Madeira (Decision)
       SA.57399 Sweden, Temporary aid to support the publication and distribution of printed general newspapers - Sweden (Decision)

    19 june 2020
       SA.57605 Belgium, Strategische transformatiesteun aan ondernemingen in het Vlaams Gewest die investeringen doen betreffende de productie van Covid-19 relevante producten - (Strategic transformation aid to undertakings in the Flemish Region for investments in Covid-1 (Decision)
       SA.57552 Netherlands, NL LNV AGRO Compensation scheme agricultural and horticultural undertakings COVID-19 - Amendment SA.57217 (Public version available)
       SA.57514 Lithuania, Temporary State Aid to bovine animal producers and milk producers facing economic difficulties caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 (Public version available)
       SA.57488 Hungary, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.57269 on COVID-19 - Capital Funds (Decision)
       SA.57453 Ireland, Scheme to facilitate COVID-19 relevant research and development, to support construction and upgrade of testing and upscaling facilities of COVID-19 relevant products and to support investments into the production of COVID-19 relevant products (Public version available)
       SA.57367 France, Aid for COVID-19 relevant R&D projects, investment into relevant testing and upscaling infrastructures, and investment into COVID-19 relevant production capacities. (Public version available)
       SA.57164 Denmark, Denmark – Covid-19 - Loan scheme for early stage and companies in the venture segment (Public version available)
       SA.55302 Germany, Operating aid to Saarbrücken airport (2019-2024) (Public version available)
       SA.54817 Belgium, Tax shelter aid scheme for videogame production - BE (Public version available)
       SA.53615 Italy, Interventions in favor of the city of Genoa (Public version available)

    18 june 2020
       SA.57530 Luxembourg, COVID-19-Aid scheme for audio-visual production companies (Decision)
       SA.57519 Poland, Poland : R&D aid for Covid-19 relevant research and development, investment aid for the construction and upgrade of relevant testing and upscaling infrastructures, and investment aid for investments into production facilities for the production of C (Decision)
       SA.57485 Slovakia, Covid-19 ESIF Basic Level Liquidity Needs Support State Aid Scheme - SIH (Decision)
       SA.57484 Slovakia, Covid-19 Government Resources Basic Level Liquidity Needs Support State Aid Scheme - SIH (Decision)
       SA.57483 Slovakia, Covid-19 Government Resources Higher Level Liquidity Needs Support State Aid Scheme - Eximbanka (Decision)
       SA.56844 Slovakia, Aid to cover exceptional costs of Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza (HBP) - Slovakia (Decision)
       SA.55201 Germany, Schleswig-Holstein programme for e-mobility charging stations (Decision)

    17 june 2020
       SA.57595 Croatia, State Aid Programme of the Ministry of Culture to Support the Economy in the Current COVID-19 Outbreak (Decision)

    16 june 2020
       SA.57625 Italy, Fondo di garanzia per le PMI (Decision)
       SA.57599 Slovakia, COVID-19: Rent rebate for tenants (Decision)
       SA.57587 Cyprus, Aid scheme in support of the primary agricultural production sector to address the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, on the basis of the EU Temporary State Aid Framework (Decision)
       SA.57529 Lithuania, Individual guarantees and interest and guarantee premium compensation during the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57274 Netherlands, Rescue loan to ice skating arena Thialf (Decision)
       SA.57262 Greece, Prolongation of the Greek State Guarantee Scheme for banks 01.06.2020- 30.11.2020 (Art. 2 of Law 3723/2008) (Decision)

    12 june 2020
       SA.57568 Poland, Polish anti-crisis measures - COVID-19 - interest rates subsidies (for farmers) (Decision)
       SA.57475 Czechia, Opex 2020 - Loan Principal Reduction (Public version available)
       SA.57464 Czechia, COVID-19: Program to support entrepreneurs affected by the spread of the COVID 19 (rent payments) (Public version available)
       SA.57446 Hungary, Amendment to SA.57121 (2020/N) – Loan guarantee scheme under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57439 Italy, Covid19- Interests on the anticipation of the amounts payable to farmers in the framework of the CAP support schemes (Public version available)
       SA.57423 Latvia, COVID-19: Grants for the benefit of tourism operators (Public version available)
       SA.57403 Estonia, COVID-19: Support for rent payments for trade and service operators negatively affected by coronavirus outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57378 Ireland, 16th prolongation of the Credit Union Resolution Scheme 2020-2021 (Decision)
       SA.57376 Hungary, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.57064 (2020/N) – Hungary – COVID-19: Grants, guarantee and subsidised interest measures (Public version available)
       SA.57338 Luxembourg, COVID-19 Luxembourg – Aid for commercial shops (Public version available)
       SA.57306 Poland, COVID-19: Financial shield for large enterprises: Liquidity loans (Public version available)
       SA.57304 Luxembourg, Luxembourgish solidarity fund for undertakings affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57303 Lithuania, COVID-19: Amendment to SA.56980 (2020/N) – Loans to undertakings most affected by COVID-19 (Public version available)
       SA.57299 France, Modification du régime cadre temporaire au soutien des entreprises dans la crise du Covid 19 SA 56985 (Public version available)
       SA.57284 Finland, COVID-19: Finnish damage compensation scheme for restaurants (Public version available)
       SA.57283 Bulgaria, Call for Proposals BG16RFOP002-2.073 „Supporting micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic“ (Public version available)
       SA.57282 Poland, Polish anti-crisis measures – direct grants, repayable advances, tax and payments advantages, tax deferrals and wage subsidies schemes related to COVID-19 (measure 7) (Public version available)
       SA.57192 Finland, Loan guarantee scheme for maritime enterprises under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57112 Denmark, Covid-19 - Portfolio guarantee on trade credit insurance (Public version available)
       SA.57106 Denmark, COVID-19 compensation scheme for the Danish media sector (Public version available)
       SA.57050 Portugal, COVID19 – TF measure to preserve employment on the Azores Islands II (Public version available)
       SA.57049 Portugal, COVID19 – TF measure to preserve employment on the Azores Islands I (Public version available)
       SA.57033 Germany, Scheme for retrofitting heavy municipal vehicles (prolongation) (Decision)
       SA.57021 Italy, RegimeQuadro – COVID 19 (Public version available)
       SA.57013 Germany, Scheme for retrofitting light commercial and municipal vehicles (prolongation) (Decision)
       SA.57012 Germany, Scheme for retrofitting heavy commercial vehicles (prolongation) (Decision)
       SA.56310 Latvia, Support to the TEC-2 CHP plant in Latvia (Public version available)
       SA.56301 Italy, Rules on the granting of aid to prevent the damage caused by wildlife and to restore the relevant agricultural production potential (Public version available)
       SA.55190 Germany, Brandenburg: Compensation of damage caused by protected species in pond farms (Public version available)

    11 june 2020
       SA.57372 Sweden, Sweden Compensation scheme for undertakings faced with turnover losses due to COVID-19 (Decision)
       SA.57055 Poland, The Polish anti-crisis measures - COVID-19 – equity instruments (Decision)
       SA.57002 Italy, Start-up aid to new routes from Ancona airport (Decision)
       SA.55949 France, Aide d’adaptation des industries sucrières à la fin des quotas sucriers (Decision)
       SA.48260 Italy, Italian International Registry Scheme (Decision)

    10 june 2020
       SA.57552 Netherlands, NL LNV AGRO Compensation scheme agricultural and horticultural undertakings COVID-19 - Amendment SA.57217 (Decision)
       SA.57511 Cyprus, Covid-19 – CY – Waiver of interests and penalties for late payment of VAT (Decision)
       SA.57369 Portugal, COVID 19 - Aid to TAP (Decision)

    09 june 2020
       SA.57520 Austria, COVID-19; Garantien für große Unternehmen auf Basis Garantiegesetz 1977 durch die Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws) (Decision)
       SA.57468 Hungary, COVID-19 umbrella scheme of direct grants provided from the appropriations managed at the level of ministries’ budgetary chapters (Decision)
       SA.57410 Finland, COVID – recapitalisation of Finnair (Decision)
       SA.56483 Germany, Bayern: “Klimawald” - Aligning the management of the Bavarian State Forests with climate protection services (Decision)

    08 june 2020
       SA.56635 Poland, Tenth prolongation of the Credit Unions Orderly Liquidation Scheme (Decision)
       SA.54887 Croatia, Reductions for EIUs from the RES charge in Croatia (Decision)

    05 june 2020
       SA.57514 Lithuania, Temporary State Aid to bovine animal producers and milk producers facing economic difficulties caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 (Decision)
       SA.57367 France, Aid for COVID-19 relevant R&D projects, investment into relevant testing and upscaling infrastructures, and investment into COVID-19 relevant production capacities. (Decision)
       SA.57350 Hungary, Aid measures for increasing competitiveness of undertakings in relation with the COVID-19 outbreak (budget increase) (Public version available)
       SA.57349 Italy, Plan for the socio-economic emergency in the Campania region – Aid measures in favour of the undertakings of the agricultural sector, of the fishery and aquaculture sector, of the buffalo livestock sector and of the floriculture sector (Public version available)
       SA.57342 Lithuania, Program to fund new culture products and (or) services (Public version available)
       SA.57329 Hungary, Temporary aid scheme for the agri-food sector, aquaculture and forestry affected by the coronavirus outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57291 Austria, COVID-19; Compensation Scheme: Directive for fixed cost subsidies. (Public version available)
       SA.57287 Latvia, State aid for short-term loans in agriculture to relieve the negative impact of the COVID-19 outbreak (Public version available)
       SA.57285 Hungary, COVID-19: Grant Scheme related to the Széchenyi Card Programme (Public version available)
       SA.57269 Hungary, COVID-19 - CAPITAL FUNDS (Public version available)
       SA.57256 Italy, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.57005-Granting of State aid under the COVID-19 anti-crisis program provided for by article 12 of the regional law n. 5/2020 in compliance with the Temporary Framework (Public version available)
       SA.57243 Lithuania, Amendment of State aid scheme SA.57066 - Direct grants to cover interest on loans of SMEs active in road freight transport (Public version available)
       SA.57234 Estonia, COVID-19 Estonian amendments to SA.57014 (Public version available)
       SA.57219 France, COVID-19: Garanties des cautions (Public version available)
       SA.57217 Netherlands, NL LNV AGRI Compensation scheme agricultural and horticultural undertakings COVID-19 (Public version available)
       SA.57204 Malta, Investment Aid for the Production of COVID-19 Relevant Products (Public version available)
       SA.57198 Hungary, Crisis Rural Guarantee Programme by AVHGA (Public version available)
       SA.57195 Czechia, Czechia – COVID-19 related loan guarantees managed by CMZRB (Public version available)
       SA.57194 Greece, State Aid Grants in the Floriculture Primary Production Section under the Covid-19 Temporary Framework (Commission C(2020) 1863/19.3.20) (Public version available)
       SA.57191 Poland, The Polish anti-crisis measures - COVID-19 - state aid in the simplified repayable from from financial engineering instruments. (Public version available)
       SA.57188 Belgium, COVID 19: Reinsurance of short-term credit and surety risks (Public version available)
       SA.57187 Belgium, Credendo Bridge Guarantee (Public version available)
       SA.57175 Croatia, Guarantee schemes and subsidised loans scheme (Public version available)
       SA.57165 Greece, COVID 19 - Wage subsidies to self-employed (Public version available)
       SA.57163 Malta, MDB COVID-19 Interest Rate Subsidy Scheme (CIRSS) (Public version available)
       SA.57152 United Kingdom, COVID 19 - UK - Self-Employed (including members of partnerships) Income Support Scheme (Public version available)
       SA.57151 Denmark, Adjustment and prolongation of compensation scheme to companies exposed to large turnover decline related to COVID-19 (fixed costs) (Public version available)
       SA.57148 Austria, COVID-19: Support Measures by Carinthia, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria and Vienna (Public version available)
       SA.57134 France, COVID 19 : Aide sous forme de garanties de prêts au profit du groupe Renault. (Public version available)
       SA.57132 Belgium, COVID-19 Flemish subordinated loan scheme for start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs (Public version available)
       SA.57094 Czechia, Czechia – COVID-19 – Loan guarantee scheme to support the economy in response to the COVID-19 crisis (Public version available)
       SA.57071 Czechia, COVID-19 - Support to R&D projects (Public version available)
       SA.57064 Hungary, Covid-19: Grants, guarantee and subsidised interest measures (Public version available)
       SA.57015 Poland, State aid in the form of grants or repayable assistance under operational programmes for 2014 - 2020 to support the Polish economy in connection with the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. (Public version available)
       SA.56995 Finland, COVID-19: Framework Scheme for State aid measures (section 3.1 of the Temporary Framework) (Public version available)
       SA.56786 Italy, Production of medical equipment and masks (Public version available)
       SA.56718 Italy, Incentives for rail transport (Public version available)
       SA.56475 Belgium, Extension of the Belgian seafarer scheme to certain vessels (Public version available)
       SA.56104 Czechia, Support for measures to combat the spread of porcine diseases with a view to improving biosecurity (Public version available)
       SA.55871 Austria, Granting of compensation for damage and aid to reduce or prevent the economic damage caused by wolves, beavers or otters in the Salzburg Region (Public version available)
       SA.55836 Italy, Aid for services in the rural areas of Lombardy region (Public version available)
       SA.55820 Denmark, Compensation pour les dégâts occasionnés par des loups et aide pour des clôtures (Public version available)
       SA.55128 Germany, Brandenburg: Support for preventive measures to prevent damage caused by protected animal species (beaver) (Public version available)
       SA.55106 France, Société Bretonne de Volaille Châteaulin (SBV Châteaulin) filiale du groupe Lambert Dodard Chancereul "LDC" (Public version available)
       SA.53552 Germany, Alleged guarantee for public casinos operators in Germany (Wirtschaftlichkeitsgarantie) (Public version available)
       SA.53105 Greece, Εικαζόμενη ενίσχυση προς την Eurobank μέσω της πώλησης της Piraeus Bank Bulgaria (Public version available)
       SA.51809 Cyprus, Prolongation of the Cyprus Tonnage Tax and Seafarer Scheme (Public version available)
       SA.44944 Germany, Tax treatment of public casinos operators in Germany (Public version available)
       SA.43147 Belgium, Plainte contre la région Wallonne pour des aides présumées illégales à Renewi (Public version available)

    04 june 2020
       SA.57502 France, Amendement de la décision SA.56709 (2020/N) – France – COVID-19: Plan de sécurisation du financement des entreprises (Decision)
       SA.55645 Germany, Baden Württemberg: aid for pruning of meadow orchards (Decision)

    03 june 2020
       SA.57509 Ireland, COVID-19 - Irish Restart Grant (Decision)
       SA.57475 Czechia, Opex 2020 - Loan Principal Reduction (Decision)
       SA.57453 Ireland, Scheme to facilitate COVID-19 relevant research and development, to support construction and upgrade of testing and upscaling facilities of COVID-19 relevant products and to support investments into the production of COVID-19 relevant products (Decision)

    02 june 2020
       SA.57464 Czechia, COVID-19: Program to support entrepreneurs affected by the spread of the COVID 19 (rent payments) (Decision)

    29 may 2020
       SA.57446 Hungary, Amendment to SA.57121 (2020/N) – Loan guarantee scheme under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57423 Latvia, COVID-19: Grants for the benefit of tourism operators (Decision)
       SA.57352 Denmark, Covid-19 compensation scheme to travel operators for losses incurred by cancellations (Decision)
       SA.57338 Luxembourg, COVID-19 Luxembourg – Aid for commercial shops (Decision)
       SA.57304 Luxembourg, Luxembourgish solidarity fund for undertakings affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57054 Poland, The Polish anti-crisis measures - COVID-19 – write off of the loans (Decision)
       SA.56584 Italy, Programme de recherche pour la bio-sécurité des exploitations de bufflonnes. Action 3 : soutien aux investissements matériels fournis par les plans de bio-sécurité des entreprises visant à maîtriser le risque d’infection par la brucellose (Decision)
       SA.55465 Netherlands, Invest International (Decision)
       SA.54720 Romania, Investment programme for setting up centres for collecting or for collecting and processing forest fruits, mushrooms and/or medicinal and aromatic plants from the spontaneous and/or cultivated in mountain areas (Decision)

    28 may 2020
       SA.57439 Italy, Covid19- Interests on the anticipation of the amounts payable to farmers in the framework of the CAP support schemes (Decision)
       SA.57403 Estonia, COVID-19: Support for rent payments for trade and service operators negatively affected by coronavirus outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57284 Finland, COVID-19: Finnish damage compensation scheme for restaurants (Decision)
       SA.57192 Finland, Loan guarantee scheme for maritime enterprises under the Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.42270 Spain, Electricity production in Spanish non-peninsular territories (Decision)

    27 may 2020
       SA.57397 Netherlands, Dutch temporary guarantee scheme for small bank loans for medium sized and small enterprises due to the COVID-19 outbreak (Decision)
       SA.57106 Denmark, COVID-19 compensation scheme for the Danish media sector (Decision)

    26 may 2020
       SA.57405 France, Covid-19 - Groupe Novares (Decision)
       SA.57376 Hungary, Amendment to the aid scheme SA.57064 (2020/N) – Hungary – COVID-19: Grants, guarantee and subsidised interest measures (Decision)
       SA.57008 Lithuania, COVID-19 - Aid Fund for Business (Decision)
       SA.54676 Romania, Investment programme for setting up mountain sheepfolds (Decision)
       SA.39990 Belgium, Alleged aid to Ducatt NV (Decision)

    25 may 2020
       SA.57306 Poland, COVID-19: Financial shield for large enterprises: Liquidity loans (Decision)
       SA.57299 France, Modification du régime cadre temporaire au soutien des entreprises dans la crise du Covid 19 SA 56985 (Decision)
       SA.57095 Netherlands, Netherlands – COVID-19: Portfolio guarantee on trade credit insurance (Decision)

    23 may 2020
       SA.57291 Austria, COVID-19; Compensation Scheme: Directive for fixed cost subsidies. (Decision)

    21 may 2020
       SA.57021 Italy, RegimeQuadro – COVID 19 (Decision)

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